Couples Therapy

Couplesbody1Rediscover trust and connection in your relationship…

A relentless cycle of doubt and frustration…

“I know she’s going to leave me this time.”

“Why the hell can’t I get my needs met?”

“He just doesn’t get me. I’m so tired of fighting.”*

If you’re here, you’re tired of the endless fights or thinking that if only your partner could change, everything would be okay.

It’s an emotional whirlwind.

Your days are filled with frustration, anger, and resentment… all tinged with fear, disappointment, and loneliness.

Sadness and impatience simmer beneath the surface as you feel disrespected, abandoned, and neglected by the one person who’s supposed to be there for you.

You long for connection but instead feel alienated as you grieve the relationship you once hoped for.

Stuffing your feelings until they boil over…

Another explosive argument…

You come out of it wondering why you’re never heard – why your needs aren’t met.

Are you just nagging?

Are you too entitled?

Are your needs even normal??

These are the questions that plague you as you’re caught between hope and despair.

Couplesbody2There’s a way out of these recurring patterns of conflict.

And it’s not waiting around for your partner to finally “get it.”

You and your partner have been through trauma, and it’s manifesting in these destructive cycles.

It’s exhausting, I know… but you can break free!

Couples therapy is where you’ll both feel heard, respected, and connected, which is how you restore the peace and fulfillment you’ve been longing for.

It’s not about identifying “the bad actor.”

In couples therapy, we treat the relationship. We look for dysfunctional patterns – not dysfunctional people.

Operating from the basic assumption that people are good and have good intentions, we explore your unique perspective and what motivates you to show up in the relationship… rather than looking at who’s doing what “wrong.”

We won’t be assigning blame or rehashing old arguments. Instead, we’ll use somatic techniques and parts work to explore how different aspects of yourselves influence your relationship.

By enhancing your emotional capacity and literacy, you’ll learn to express and manage emotions more effectively, leading to better connection and constructive conflict resolution.

A safe, nonjudgmental space…

Both of you will be able to explore your emotions, sensations, and thoughts.

Our approach to couples therapy is rooted in somatic psychology, emphasizing the mind-body connection as a key to healing.

Together, we’ll help you both become more attuned to your bodily sensations and emotional responses, fostering deeper understanding and empathy.

Powerful tools for healing…

Enhance your emotional capacity…

Build stronger emotional bonds by improving understanding and communication.

Regulate your nervous system…

Manage stress and maintain calm, constructive interactions, even in challenging times.

Heal emotional wounds…

Process and release grief, shame, and trauma to foster renewed connection and intimacy.

Couples therapy with a somatic focus offers powerful tools for healing. We’ll work together to:

Couplesbody3When you heal yourselves, you’ll heal the relationship.

If you’re ready to heal and deepen your connection, we’re here to help.

We offer a free consultation to discuss your needs and determine if we’re a good fit.

You’ve come to the right place… no more wondering what to do!

The relationship you both deserve is waiting. Reach out, and let’s get started!