Cult and High-Demand Group Recovery

Cultbody1Looking back, you had no idea…

It wasn’t at all obvious you were in a cult.

All you knew was that you were drawn into something that seemed so meaningful – a place where you thought you’d finally belong.

At first, everything felt right – they were so welcoming and supportive. But then, slowly, things started to feel “off.”

It went from nice… to weird… to scary. You started to lose yourself… and stepping away felt impossible.

The desire to be part of something greater…

It led you into a situation where you were ultimately abused, leaving you feeling chaotic and betrayed.

As the reality of what was happening dawned on you, your world crumbled.

Broken in a shattered reality, you knew you had to leave…

But it feels impossible when leaving means losing everything and everyone you love.

The aftermath of leaving isn’t easy, either.

It leaves you with a deep sense of longing, shame, and guilt.

The confusion and betrayal are overwhelming, leaving you feeling trapped, brainwashed, and adrift in a world that now feels completely foreign.

It’s embarrassing and awkward as you deal with the culture shock of living in the “outside world.” It’s an emotional rollercoaster that leaves you feeling disconnected from yourself and others.

After all, how do you reach out and connect when you’ve been hiding and keeping secrets for so long?

TraumaWhat happened was awful, but you can heal.

You survived. Now, it’s time to put yourself back together. That’s why we’re here.

Therapy can help you rebuild your sense of self, find clarity, and learn how to be in the world again.

Together, we can work through the pain, betrayal, and confusion, helping you reclaim your life and connect with others in a way that feels safe and authentic.

We provide trauma and holistic somatic approaches to address the whirlwind of emotions you’re dealing with and give you step-by-step support for reintegrating into your local community.

Regain your autonomy and move on with life…

We give you space to tell your story. As you do, we’ll monitor for trauma and note how that’s registering in your mind and body. Talking about trauma activates the nervous system, so our first step is to identify triggers and begin calming your body.

We explore your inner conflicts and provide practice paths to resolution through parts work. We take a multicultural approach, recognizing that cults have their own culture. We act as a bridge you can cross from the cult culture to the new culture in which you are now living.

We support you in finding your way into this new culture. Certain experiences and traits drew you into that high-demand group in the first place. We want to recognize and celebrate those admirable qualities. But we want to make sure you have a safe community that addresses your needs and wants.

Cultbody3Trust, belonging, community…

With therapy, you can learn to find all these things without losing yourself in the process.

And know that you can leave therapy at any time for any reason, and leaving is consequence-free.

Reach out today. Let’s talk more about how we can help during your free consultation.